
We have taxi service to bring customer to come our hotel and send you back after session. Please arrange in advance. 各位外国哥们,本专业有提供安排司机接送你们过来上门酒店服务,车费按路程计算,有兴趣的可以联系我们提早安排时间流程。
Attention to all bro, LocalModelFreelance01.com only have one number and one wechat only. Don't get scammed by others that claim to us. 请各位客人注意️本网站只有一个电话号码和一个微信而已,别被假冒我的人骗了,谢谢

Local Freelance Girl – Chinese – Viky


Local Freelance Girl – Chinese – Viky

Please call 0186622349 OR Whatsapp Frankie Escort for more info.

Local Freelance Girl available for incall outcall overnight service❤
If Interest please contact me to check time slot availability.
极力推荐 《👄 极度少上班,眯走鸡。过年急用钱,偷偷出来做。年轻模特儿需要钱用。服务好, 女友感高,性欲强,天天要hari hariMAU👄 》### Strongly Highly Recommend, Other people’s gf curi curi do ###

Name: Viky (Only Accept Chinese) Confirm Pretty
Race: Local Chinese Freelance
Body: 34C 24 34, 166cm 48kg
Age: 26
Package 1: RM420/ 1 shot /45 minute
Package 2: Rm840 / 2 shot /90 minute
(include CD & Room)
(Gentle reminder, our local girls also have family in kl so no matter which website also we use fake photo to protect girls' privacy. Thank You) Click here for more detail.